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Epec's Blog | Electronics Manufacturing Solutions

How to Specify Stiffener Requirements in Flex PCB Design Drawings

Written by Paul Tome
Posted on March 14, 2019 at 1:39 PM

Stiffeners are a key design element in most flex designs and have a significant impact on both the performance and reliability of the finished flex circuits. As a result, stiffeners need to be fully and accurately defined in the data set. Not doing so may result in a finished part that does not meet your requirements.

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Consider the Cable: How to Improve Product Design with Big Picture Planning

Written by Steven J Goodman
Posted on February 6, 2019 at 10:36 AM

Look around at your desk, work station, or wherever you’re siting while reading this blog post. The odds are favorable there are multiple cables within reach right now!  It’s true, everyone needs and uses cables. Not just in one’s personal life, but also in the workplace, in industry, and even in combat.

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How to Manage PCB Design Cost Adders

Written by Al Wright
Posted on October 30, 2018 at 9:21 AM

Printed circuit board (PCB) designers often find themselves at odds with their purchasing and marketing departments after a design goes out for bids and comes back with a larger than expected price tag. Once the source of the high cost is identified, the questions fly, the fingers point, and the nerves fray.

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Firmware Development Basics For SMART HMIs

Written by Steven J Goodman
Posted on July 9, 2018 at 1:36 PM

When our customers are in the preliminary stages of launching a new SMART HMI project, they typically reach out seeking advice on the best way to start. With what can amount to a near infinite number of HMI design options and system feature combinations, brainstorming an embedded firmware project can quickly become overwhelming. Where does one begin? How does the firmware work? What level of detail is required now?

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How IoT in Manufacturing Improves Customer and User Efficiency

Written by Ed McMahon
Posted on July 3, 2018 at 11:03 AM

“The power of the Internet of Things comes from the ability to collect a lot of data and convert that into useful information.” -Bertil Thorvaldson, ABB Robotics

While that is a very simple concept to understand, manufacturing Internet of Things (IoT) technology into most products can be a significant investment of time and money for companies. As a designer and manufacturer of medical, commercial, industrial, and military products, we are working with many customers on implementing IoT into their products to improve the customer experience and provide an additional revenue stream.

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How To Design PCBs - Engineering Advice on Details

Written by Jim Marsh
Posted on June 19, 2018 at 2:04 PM

In front-end engineering, we must gather as much manufacturing information as possible from the printed circuit board data we receive. This includes customer service notes, customer emails, and the general spec, if available. Usually there is enough information to release a printed circuit board (PCB) package to manufacturing. However, I have found many gray areas that haunt our engineering department.

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How Added Electronics Improve Your Cable Assembly Design

Written by Epec Engineered Technologies
Posted on April 9, 2018 at 12:42 PM

As custom manufactured cable assemblies have grown in complexity, it has become far more common to see various electronics integrated directly into the finished design. The inclusion of electronics into a cable assembly design can consist of adding a switch, PCB, LED, or a multitude of other components. Once added, these components offer a much higher level of sophistication to the cable assembly while allowing the included electronics the ability to withstand a much more rugged working environment.

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Cable Assembly Design For Shielding From EMI and RFI

Written by Epec Engineered Technologies
Posted on February 19, 2018 at 1:00 PM

EMI (electromagnetic interference) and RFI (radio-frequency interference) are disturbances generated by external sources that impact a cable assembly by degrading the assembly's performance or completely preventing it from functioning. These disturbances can cause problems ranging from an increase in error rates of the signal being transmitted through the assembly to total loss of any electronically readable signal.

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Creating Low Pass High Pass Band Stop Filter Designs

Written by Mark Stanley
Posted on February 8, 2018 at 4:24 PM

A pure notch or band stop filter (also called band reject filter) works by creating a Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) resonance over a narrow bandwidth. This creates near total reflection over that bandwidth, while having very little reflection in the surrounding pass bands. By the nature of their creation, these notch filters are typically narrow band. Bandwidth comes linearly with added resonators, increasing size and loss.

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Finding New Battery Suppliers Without Losing Your Battery Design

Written by Ed McMahon
Posted on December 29, 2017 at 9:49 AM

Over the past several years there have been several instances where battery suppliers that manufacture the highest technology batteries have run into financial difficulties (think A123, Boston Power) or change their business model and no longer want to supply small/medium volume applications (Panasonic). This has created several problems for OEMs as they have designed these cells and have passed all of the certification testing for UL, EMI, CE and UN DOT 38.3.

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