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Epec's Blog | Electronics Manufacturing Solutions

PCB Prototyping and Troubleshooting with Your Manufacturer

Written by Angie Brown
Posted on February 1, 2023 at 9:03 AM

As a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer for more than 70 years, we have worked with thousands of customers to provide quality products in prototypes of a few pieces to many tens of thousands of circuit boards repetitively.

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Guidelines For Designing a Printed Circuit Board

Written by Angie Brown
Posted on January 24, 2023 at 9:18 AM

From a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing supplier’s point of view, often we are consulted about design and layout at the concept phase. Over the past many years, we have seen an increase in customers asking to assist with design, layout, and modifications to the circuit board. From this repeat request, we developed an engineering team to make it happen.

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Best Ways to Keep Costs Lower When Developing High-Tech PCB

Written by Angie Brown
Posted on January 5, 2023 at 8:48 AM

When it comes to printed circuit boards (PCBs), the bare board is always where customers look to cut costs. Unfortunately, we often see this request after the design has been completed and we have the Gerber files in hand to quote the printed circuit board.

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Understanding Common Component Designs for Mil-Aero Devices

Written by Epec Engineered Technologies
Posted on December 15, 2022 at 9:27 AM

Mil-aero devices live in a special place in the worlds of design and engineering. These are devices that are often subjected to extraordinary environments. They have extreme requirements, and they often must function in the harshest environments of the world.

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High-Speed PCB Design Considerations for Fabrication

Written by Ed McMahon
Posted on September 21, 2022 at 8:37 AM

While PCB layout typically has played the leading role in high-speed printed circuit board (PCB) applications, the role of the PCB fabricator becomes more and more important as the trend to faster, higher integrated, smaller form factors, and lower power electronic circuits become more prevalent.

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Medical Device Designs: Components, Elements, and Design Priorities

Written by Epec Engineered Technologies
Posted on September 1, 2022 at 9:22 AM

Designing medical devices is no simple task. The stakes are higher for these devices compared to most other industries. Because of that, medical device engineers need to think carefully about which design elements should be prioritized.

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Choosing The Right PCB Laminate Material For Your Circuit Board

Written by Angie Brown
Posted on August 23, 2022 at 8:54 AM

For all printed circuit boards (PCBs), the main component is the base laminate material. Choosing what you need or want to use is not as simple as it sounds. There are many options out there and many flavors that can be used but how do you know what to pick and how do you note it as my item of choice on the fabrication package?

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How To Prevent Plating Voids And Solder Voids During PCB Manufacturing

Written by Angie Brown
Posted on June 28, 2022 at 8:53 AM

During the manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs), a lot of attention is focused on how tools and processes are handled to avoid many common quality issues such as brittle joints, cold joints, and voids. Voids consist of an empty space somewhere along the PCB where not enough of a certain material was added. If the voiding issue is not addressed, then the entire PCB may need to be scrapped.

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PTFE vs FR4 PCB Laminate Materials - Cost and Performance Options

Written by Angie Brown
Posted on June 15, 2022 at 8:48 AM

Not all printed circuit board (PCB) materials are created equal. In fact, to say there is an equivalent for any is untrue. Although, they are all in line with each other for basic attributes and are close but not exact. These many different flavors are also not always available; some come with a steep cost, a high Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ,) and a long lead time.

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Via-in-Pad Plugging or Plated Process and the Effect on PCB Hole Sizes

Written by Jeff Forbus
Posted on June 1, 2022 at 9:13 AM

There are several reasons for the need to plug printed circuit board (PCB) holes. Some of the most commonly seen reasons include: properly tenting or covering the via with soldermask (isolation), to prevent entrapment (solder, chemistry, flux), to prevent solder starvation (wicking of solder in the hole/surface mount technology (SMT) placement directly on via), and for thermal or electrical purposes.

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