Creating an application or product requires designs, drawings, and recommendations regarding the function of the application, materials to use, and the dimensions. In addition, a manufacturer also must consider how to power it. Many applications require a portable battery source that can be recharged numerous times and stored safely without future damage.
When we use electronics in commercial settings, one of the major factors that must be taken into consideration is the different temperatures that the circuitry and wiring will experience. Not every electronic device will be used in a stable indoor working environment like an office space.
Whether it is a medical device concept, automotive manufacturing, project, industrial application, or consumer product, companies require large and small battery packs that will ensure their electronic devices and machinery have the longest life cycles without any safety issues. Many of hese battery packs need to be custom made for the specific device before they can be marketed.
Custom medical cable assemblies are critical for today’s healthcare system. Many lifesaving pieces of equipment can function because of the high reliability custom cables that are designed to operate in this demanding environment. Medical cable assemblies may be required to withstand exposure to harsh electromagnetic fields and sterilization procedures while also carrying a biocompatibility rating.
New Normal. What is the New Normal? For those of us who work in electronics, most days it feels like a foreign concept. When you consider what our collective industries have gone through since 2018, when the U.S. vs. China trade war started, and the Section 232 and Section 301 tariffs went into effect, now into this Chinese New Year (CNY) and the global Coronavirus pandemic, it seems like the answer to that question is: normal is something we may never see again.
Battery pack manufacturing can be a complex process depending on the size of the pack, the types of battery chemistries used, if a battery management system (BMS) will be used, and whether testing and certification must be done before transportation.
At the conclusion of our webinar, How PCB Design Choices Affect Overall Cost from Your PCB Fabricator, we had several questions submitted to our presenter, Ed McMahon, CEO at Epec. We have compiled these questions into a readable format on our blog.
Battery pack design and development can be a complex process based upon the power needs of the application. Due to the multiple steps that go into creating a battery pack, we try to work with customers from the concept stage to learn about the project's details regarding the application's power needs, size of the battery pack, and specific components that will be added. We will also need time to acquire the materials for the battery pack, to create the prototyping, and to acquire the certifications that may be necessary based on the chemistry of the battery.
Inductive charging is the process of charging an object without any contact between it and any sort of charger or another charged object, and it can seem like magic. With no wires or visible connections, devices gather a full charge, so how is this possible?
The use of capacitive touch switch technology is widespread and becoming more frequent each day. Capacitive touch switches are common on thousands of everyday devices including gas station pumps, smartphones, lamps, automobile dashboards, and even the smart speaker in your home.