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Epec's Blog | Electronics Manufacturing Solutions

Zachary Walker

Zachary Walker
As Product Manager of Flex and Rigid-Flex Circuits, Zachary’s main responsibility involves interacting with a customer’s flex and rigid-flex products from start to finish, from initial creation to delivery. He assists customers in their product creation to ensure they can suit the customer’s needs while still being manufacturable, alongside addressing any concerns or issues that may arise during any part of the process. Additionally, Zachary oversees the quoting process for flex and rigid-flex PCBs from the receipt and review of the design to the communication with production for a quote to send back to the customer. Zachary came to Epec with 3 years of experience from the production and planning side of circuit boards. He has familiarity with aspects of production involving engineering and manufacturing. Zachary has a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Texas Tech University with minors in chemistry, mathematics, and polymers and materials science.

Recent Posts

Top 5 Reasons for Using Stiffeners on Flexible PCBs

Written by Zachary Walker
Posted on December 5, 2023 at 9:12 AM

A stiffener is defined as a piece of material adhered to a flexible printed circuit board that rigidizes one zone of the board. While a stiffener holds no electrical value to a PCB, it does maintain a crucial part of most flexible PCBs in the market by hardening that portion of the board.

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Maximum Layers of a Flexible PCB Before it is No Longer Flexible

Written by Zachary Walker
Posted on November 29, 2023 at 8:41 AM

At first glance, the answer to the question “How many layers can a flexible circuit have before it can no longer bend?” sounds like a simple, black-and-white answer. However, this answer proves to be more complex than expected and involves a great deal of specifications before it can be answered.

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Adhesives in Flexible Circuit Boards: Types and Their Uses

Written by Zachary Walker
Posted on November 1, 2023 at 8:33 AM

One of the key components in the stack-ups for flexible circuits is adhesives. From bonding coverlays to the surface to adhering stiffeners to rigidize the circuit to creating additional use applications for the circuit, adhesives hold many possibilities and can add another dimension of complexity to flexible circuits.

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Pros and Cons of Using Flexible PCBs In Your Application

Written by Zachary Walker
Posted on October 19, 2023 at 8:57 AM

Applications that rely on printed circuit boards (PCBs) to control functions can experience difficulties when having operating components or when designed in slimmed or smaller sizes. Standard rigid circuit boards have to be made in specific sizes and dimensions, which can make it difficult when designing working components that could scrape against and damage the PCB.

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How To Overcome Challenges of a Rigid-Flex PCB Design

Written by Zachary Walker
Posted on October 3, 2023 at 9:21 AM

Rigid-flex printed circuit boards (PCBs) are a great solution to combine the benefits of both rigid and flex PCBs, but as a result, can accumulate the design challenges of both types alongside creating their own challenges along the way.

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Why Flexible Circuit Boards Need Stiffeners

Written by Zachary Walker
Posted on May 23, 2023 at 8:44 AM

Flexible printed circuit boards are a type of printed circuit board (PCB) that has been designed to be more flexible than traditional rigid printed circuit boards. They offer many advantages over their traditional counterparts, including greater design flexibility, improved reliability, and increased cost savings.

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