Your PCB design for manufacturing is critical to the success of your final application. Design features which make your board difficult to build add cost to your product, either by slowing down the production process, or by increasing the scrap rate.
Membrane switch style user interfaces often face long-term outdoor UV, chemical, and moisture exposure. To help improve membrane switch design, there are several considerations that apply. Veteran manufacturers with substantial engineering experience ensure the optimal result of each application. Numerous solutions for can be provided specific to any given industry.
Understanding the environment which your assembly will be used in may determine whether or not your application will require shielded cables. Applications where cable assemblies are utilized are often electrically noisy, industrial environments, where factories can create interference within cables. If your cables at at risk of electrical noise interference, shielded cables can greatly improve the performance of your equipment.
This blog post is intended to reinforce the design support we offer at Epec for our flex and rigid-flex PCBs. Technical design and engineering is one of our core foundations which allow us to best help our customers meet their product requirements. Within the post, we'll cover design areas that require special consideration.
When creating your optimal circuit board design, one factor that must be considered is the solder mask and whether to go with matte finish solder mask or gloss finish mask for your final product. Usually, most designers don't specify their preference and end up leaving the decision to the PCB fabricator. Most fabricators will likely default to a gloss surface finish, the more popular choice of the two.
This is a brief overview of how our custom battery pack development process works here at Epec. The actual completion time of the development of a custom battery pack will vary depending on the requirements of the application itself. Understanding each of the necessary stages and length estimates of concept through production will help you become prepared leading up to development.