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Epec's Blog | Electronics Manufacturing Solutions

Anton Beck

Anton Beck
Anton came to Epec with over 25 years of electronics manufacturing experience. His background includes all manufacturing processes from design to fabrication. Anton is consistently focused on developing our Battery Design and Manufacturing infrastructure, to continually improve our value added supply chain organization. Anton's responsibilities include overseeing our design team, product/prototype development, tooling and test processes, regulatory/approval management and sub-component supply chain to ensure Epec's world class standards to our customers are maintained. Anton oversees hundreds of custom battery pack design projects which include everything from primary and secondary chemistries to include, alkaline, NiMH, NiCd, primary lithium, and the latest lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. He has extensive experience with medical devices, UL/CE, UN DOT, and military power electronics applications.

Recent Posts

How to Make Batteries Charge Faster While Considering Safety

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on October 12, 2022 at 8:40 AM

Charging batteries, whether they are small batteries in laptops to large ones in electric vehicles, requires the right rate of charge based on the battery chemistry. While technology has provided more ways for people to charge their electronics, especially portable devices, customers are looking at ways to speed up the process so they can use their items faster.

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Battery Storage Tips: Battery Chemistries and the Storage Requirements

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on July 14, 2022 at 9:12 AM

Battery power constantly runs applications on a daily basis to perform a wide variety of functions. Yet, there will be certain instances where battery packs will be stored for short-term and long-term periods. This situation may occur due to infrequent use of the equipment or when storing extra battery packs.

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Battery Cell Thermal Runaway: What Does it Mean and How to Avoid It

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on June 7, 2022 at 8:33 AM

When machines operate, they generate internal heat that may compromise working components. The same situation holds true for battery cells. Cells undergo a chemical process that provides power to devices.

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Custom Battery Packs: Developing and Production Test Fixtures

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on March 30, 2022 at 9:48 AM

There's a lot of electrical, mechanical, and chemical considerations when it comes to developing a custom battery pack. In addition to deciding on the cell chemistry, a customer also must know how the battery pack may perform in various environmental conditions related to the application. They want to know the shelf life of the battery, the charge/discharge rates, and any possible hazards that could occur when the battery pack is in use.

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Common Applications and Benefits for Battery Pack Potting

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on March 14, 2022 at 9:22 AM

Consumers use battery packs for devices used in diverse environments. While the ideal device would experience cool temperatures without drastic temperature changes and be free from corrosion, chemicals, water, shocks, and vibrations, this setup is not always the case. Some devices used in chemical manufacturing processes may experience chemical exposure. Other devices used outdoors may have to deal with harsh temperatures and an abundance of moisture.

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Lithium Battery Shipping: Requirements to Manage Your Product

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on March 2, 2022 at 9:52 AM

The appeal of lithium-based batteries for products has grown immensely. They provide high amounts of power while being light enough for portable devices. However, the battery chemistry is considered unstable, as it requires a battery management system to monitor the pack's temperatures, State of Health (SoH), State of Charge (SoC), and other factors. If the battery should experience a short or thermal runaway, it could cause the pack to catch fire or explode.

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Understanding Voltage Requirements of a Custom Battery Pack

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on February 16, 2022 at 9:59 AM

Designing a custom battery pack for your application requires figuring out the power specifications. Yet there are several other considerations that dictate the type of battery chemistry to use. In addition to the current, capacity (amp-hours), size requirements, cell configuration, and the number of cells for the battery pack within the application, the voltage must also be determined.

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Production Level Battery Testing: What is Included and What to Expect

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on February 3, 2022 at 10:31 AM

Manufacturing custom battery packs requires comprehensive input from the customer. A customer offers details regarding the application, the power requirements of the battery, and the type of shelf life for the battery pack. The customer also expects battery testing to occur at the end of production to ensure quality and that the battery will work for the application.

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Identifying and Reducing Custom Battery Pack Development Costs

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on January 20, 2022 at 10:22 AM

Creating a custom battery pack requires understanding the basics of how much energy density the application needs, how to recharge the battery pack, and the shelf-life of the battery. When a customer looks for a customized solution, they are concerned about the development costs. Usually, these development costs are factored into the final price of the product that will be sold to end-users.

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Lithium-Ion vs Lithium Iron Phosphate: What Markets They Support

Written by Anton Beck
Posted on January 5, 2022 at 10:26 AM

When talking about custom battery packs for portable devices, the most common type mentioned has been lithium-based chemistries. Lithium-based batteries provide high-energy density and a light weight for applications, making them suitable for portable electronics that require long battery life to perform high-speed functions.

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