At Epec, we take workforce training very seriously. We readily invest in workforce education because it is a time-tested, proven path to improving manufacturing process development and customer satisfaction. In our experience, the educated worker is not only productive, they are adaptable problem solvers focused on satisfying our customers' most demanding needs.
Furthermore, we believe that continuous workplace training and lifelong learning enables Epec's workforce to adjust to an increasingly rapid pace of change that this modern world demands.
Since the start of 2014, Epec has provided more workforce training than at any other time in our sixty-three year history.

Recent Training Topics
- Blueprint Reading
- Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerance
- Five S
- Structured Problem Solving
- Quality Inspection
- Specialized industry training like IPC-A-620 and J-STD-100
- Conflict Resolution Management

Epec's Employee Manufacturing Skill Development Training
In order to refine and standardize Epec's
approach to manufacturing skills development, we recently started to work with Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP). Starting with the belief that most manufacturing skills are basic and universal to all manufacturing occupations, MassMEP developed a standardized curriculum of entry level manufacturing instruction, which involves practical skills, theory, and hands-on learning. We are building our specialized training on top of this standard foundation.
To start our working relationship, Mas
sMEP evaluated the entire manufacturing workforce. We've identified the workers who already has the level I qualifications. For the remainder of the workforce, we have identified their training needs and will soon have training in place to develop their skills.
Our desire at Epec is to get the entire manufacturing workforce proficient and certified to Level I, which includes Shop Math, Blueprint Reading, Metrology, Quality Inspection, Safety and Work Readiness.
Past Level I Training
We plan to offer our manufacturing employees a skills development path, which will encompass topics like:
- ISO 9001 Auditing, layered process audit, 5S Auditing
- SPC and Sampling
- Value Stream Mapping
- Identification, control and dispositioning of nonconforming products
- Product Rework Techniques
- Improvement through the A3 Process
Many of our competitors in the manufacturing industry are merely hoping to provide you with good quality and service, but at Epec we train our workforce to ensure that every employee is equipped to provide you with the best service and highest quality product. Through our combination of both standardized and specialized training, Epec provides you, our customer, with the best service and best product quality at competitive prices.