This blog post is not the usual topic you find on Epec’s company blog. We are normally blogging about technology solutions focusing on issues that can help our customers, but as a company, Epec does a lot behind the scenes for their employees that go unnoticed.
Keith Araujo
Keith has been with Epec since 2008. In that time he has had many different roles here at Epec. He started as an IT System Specialists handling support calls and doing many miscellaneous tasks in out IT department. His knowledge programming HTML & CSS code moved him into another position as Web Application Developer. Here his time was mostly focused on developing and maintaining our company websites. When Epec decided to expand its Marketing Department in 2012, Keith was given the chance for the new position of Marketing Manager. As the Marketing Manager at Epec, Keith's main responsibilities are working with senior leadership team to develop and manage brand awareness, lead generation and expert positioning marketing strategies and tactics that help achieve the company’s business objectives.