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What Is The Recommended Copper Weight For A Flex PCB?

Paul Tome
Written by Paul Tome
Posted on July 18, 2014 at 10:05 AM

The copper weight and corresponding thickness used in a flexible circuit board need to be carefully selected in order to meet both the electrical and mechanical bend requirements of specific flex circuit design. Copper weight for a flex PCB is both the stiffest and most critical component.

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Copper Flex PCB Weight Recommendations

It is recommended to use the thinnest and lowest copper weight in your flexible circuit design that meets the proper electrical requirements in order to improve the flexibility and reliability of the flex circuit.

Small Flexible Circuit Boards Used in a Medical Device

Small Flexible Circuit Boards Used in a Medical Device

Base Copper

  • 0.33 oz. - 0.00046" (0.012mm) ED Copper
  • 0.5 oz. - 0.0007" (0.018mm) RA Copper
  • 1 oz. - 0.0014" (0.036mm) RA Copper
  • 2 oz. - 0.0028" (0.071mm) RA Copper

RA = Rolled Annealed
ED = Electro-Deposited

Most Common Copper Weights

The most common flex PCB copper weights are 0.5oz and 1oz, however, lighter copper weights are available. 2oz and greater copper weights are also available when manufacturing flexible PCBs but may not allow the required flexibility needed for the particular application that they will be used in. Using 2oz and greater copper weights in your flex circuit could create additional design and manufacturing challenges.


When designing a flexible printed circuit board, it is always the best practice to make sure your design meets current IPC standards with regard to specific flexible materials, circuit design, performance, and assembly processes involved in manufacturing flexible circuits.

Visit our website for more information on flexible PCB gerber layout & design recommendations.

Topics: Flex & Rigid-Flex PCB's

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